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Energy Transitions
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"The aim of our thinking is to create actionable insights that can be injected back into the business process at the point of highest impact."
Dr Dorel Iosif
Managing Partner & CEO,
Dr Dorel Iosif, CEO Lavaux Global
Aug 1, 2018
Porter's Model in Today's Markets
We wrote this essay in support of an article that appeared in HBR titled "Why Porter's Model No Longer Works" by Nilofer Merchant. In the...
Dr Dorel Iosif, CEO Lavaux Global
Apr 25, 2018
(Industrial) Internet of Things. Edge and Cloud Analytics
If you are an operator of a large pool of capital intensive assets (such as an energy producer or operator of multiple facilities), it is...
Dr Dorel Iosif, CEO Lavaux Global
Dec 15, 2017
Innovation vs Transformation
I noticed recently a predilection for using the words “digital innovation” and “digital transformation” interchangeably and synonymously,...
Sabah al-Binali
Oct 16, 2017
Innovation needs perspective not isolation. Break free from the entrepreneurship dream bubble
I was honoured to be invited to Bahrain this week to give a talk at an event organised by Bahrain Development Bank’s Rowad Programme, a...
Sabah al-Binali
Sep 11, 2017
The Investing Edge: The Win / Pay Odds Gap
Investing is too often looked at using a handful of academic models. Successful investing involves thinking about the investment process...
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